Thursday, October 15, 2009

Song lyrics

Out of all the topics that we did throughout the semester, this is the most interesting topic indeed. Songs are something that is common to us, and almost everyday we listen to a song. So when we were asked to choose an appropriate song to teach a literary text, we were all excited! All of my group members have many songs in carved or printed in their head, all the new songs. I am the only one who still listens to ABBA, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. I felt like I was in the dinosaur’s era when I did not recognize any of the songs that they were all excited about. Gosh, how outdated I am! I guess I need to polish myself and listen to new songs if I were needed to use songs in the classroom. Definitely the students don’t listen to my kind of songs, and I don’t listen to their kind of songs. So, after the cats-and-dogs discussion, we decided to use the text entitle Cinderella Girl by Vivien Cook and the song entitles You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift. This activity made me realized that using songs in the classroom can be very interesting because it can grab the students’ attention towards their learning.

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